Friday, 17 September 2021

WEEK 9 TERM 3 2021
This link has some music games for all ages.
In our online lessons this week the senior classes watched me making glass/bottle music. I told them I would share these clips to help get them started at home.
This link has lots of music games and activities - sent from the New York Philharmonic

Sunday, 12 September 2021

TERM 3 WEEK 8 2021 CREATING Make your own drum kit from things at home - the kitchen is a great place to start. This clip can help you with some ideas.
PLAYING VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTS I hope you had a look at MUSICCA.COM - the Drum Machine is lots of fun. Have a try at the virtual piano this week. Remember a few basic music rules - begin and end on the same note [this is like having a capital letter and a full stop in a sentence]. Make it simple to begin with - maybe you could begin by seeing if you can work out the notes to a simple tune or nursery rhyme [Mary had a little lamb or Twinkle, twinkle].
The ELEMENTS OF MUSIC You have seen some activities relating to these over the last few weeks. Learn more about them by watching these clips on dynamics, pitch and rhythm. DYNAMICS PITCH RHYTHM

Saturday, 4 September 2021

Term 3 Week 7 2021

DYNAMICS - the louds and softs in music Try some of these activities and learn more about this element of music.
Take a LISTENING WALK next time you go for a walk in your neighbourhood [remember to keep your distance]. What nature sounds can you hear? Can you hear voices, machines, other man made sounds?
OSKAR FISCHINGER'S graphic notation. Graphic notation is a way to show music through visual symbols. Try this device activity to make sounds and symbols. [Suitable for Years 4 - 6] /

Tuesday, 31 August 2021

TERM 3 WEEK 6 2021

MAKING AN INSTRUMENT - MARACA/SHAKER Save up some containers [for example empty yoghurt pots or paper towel tubes], or use some plastic containers from your kitchen. Put some dry rice, pasta, or small pebbles inside - just a small amount is fine. Cover the open ends firmly with a cardboard top held firmly in place by plenty of tape. If using a plastic kitchen container, just put the lid on tightly. You may like to decorate your home made maraca/shaker with stickers, pictures from magazines or washi tape. Bring it along to school when we return, Mrs Dowden would love to see it. Put on some of your favourite music and play your maraca.
FATHER'S DAY/GOOD BLOKES DAY How about using one of the following well known tunes. *Old MacDonald had a farm... *Row, row, row your boat... *If you're happy and you know it... Think about a special man in your life - dad, grandad, family friend, neighbour. Write down a few things that make them special, their likes, hobbies, interests, things they do for you etc. Make it short and simple - see if you can put your ideas into one of the tunes above and sing it in person, over the phone or internet on Sunday. Here is a song written by my daughter for her dad. Sing it along to the tune - 'If you're happy and you know it' YOU'RE A DAD, HUSBAND AND GRANDPOPS YOU'RE A REALLY GOOD BLOKE AND WE LOVE YOU YOU LOVE TO COOK, FISH AND BUILD WE APPRECIATE ALL YOU DO HAVE A GREAT DAY TODAY WE'LL TREAT YOU.
PITCH - High and Low We hear sounds all the time - try this activity to see if you can decide which is the higher tone - A or B [Suitable for all levels] You could make your sound vocal sounds and test a family member or even use things around your home, for example a teaspoon and a fork tapped on the bench and decide which is lower or higher.
RHYTHM ACTIVITY Find some wooden chopsticks or wooden mixing spoons and a place to play them - on the deck, bench or kitchen floor. Some classes have seen this before, but it's so much fun. Follow the instruction video, then play along with the songs - FIREFLIES and FRIEND LIKE ME. Maybe you could teach it to someone else in your bubble.

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Week 5 Term 3 2021

MUSICCA DRUM MACHINE - suitable for years 4 - 6.Use the buttons to select your style, beats and drum kit sounds, then play them back and see how it sounds.
RING TONE DANCING - we have done this together in the music room. A great idea to get the whole family involved. Choose a few mobile phone ring tones and have a competition to make the funniest/coolest moves.
TYPATONE - use a keypad to make music while you type.
GRATITUDE SONG - have a listen to this song about being grateful. When it comes to the chorus, say some of the things that YOU are grateful for.

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Home Learning Term 3 2021

PAPATUANUKU IS BREATHING - well being poem BLOB opera - great for all levels HOOK LINE and SINGALONG - A song by a kiwi pupil with sign language and lyrics. 'Aotearoa', easy to learn and also one of this year's choir songs RHYTHM - some ideas for middle and senior pupils, including some topical words relating to covid to tap out and a video to watch and join in with. Also has some rhythm activities to do on your device DEVICE programmes - Reminder year 4-6 pupils can use the following music programmes which we have gone over in class. INCREDIBOX ISLEOFTUNE CHROME MUSIC LAB