Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Music ideas - term 2 week 2

Some stories / songs by NZer Kath Bee.

A programme about the orchestra with music, games, activities etc.

The New Symphony Orchestra plays individual instruments and talks about their role in the orchestra. More instruments are added each week.

 An activity with lots of ideas from simple to more complex about making  a 'Music Wall' from household items.

Making an instrument can be as simple as using a yoghurt container, some dry rice or pasta and sticky tape to make a maraca. This site has  great ideas for making a range of homemade instruments.


  1. Thanks Mrs Dowden, lots of ideas for me to look at tomorrow with my kids! Our bubble was running out of music learning ideas and you have come to the rescue! Thanks. Mrs V.

  2. Wow some more exciting music ideas. These are fabulous! Thank you for sharing them with our school community. I am sure they will enjoy exploring the links!
